It's My Future

Just the time you begin to think about the future it has already happened.

Your retirement or other financial goals, although they may seem far away will come just as fast. In the moments since you began to read this post, the near future has already become the recent past.

We at Brindlee Mountain want to help you think about and plan for your future. We have set up a 401K plan for all employees and for employees who have worked for 12 months, there are matching funds available.

A 401k is an account where you can contribute money, through payroll deduction, to save for your future retirement. After 12 months of employment, an employee is eligible to receive matching funds from Brindlee (free money). When you contribute a % of your payroll Brindlee will add matching funds. When you contribute

  • 1%, Brindlee will add 1%

  • 2%, Brindlee will add 2%

  • 3%, Brindlee will add 3%

  • 5%, Brindlee will add 4%

This is a great way to get free money to support your future.

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To better help, you understand this retirement savings plan we invite Will Bowen from the Persium Group to come to meet with any employee. His services are free. The Persium Group is the company that manages the collective Brindlee Mountain 401k.

Days seem to slip by faster each year and before you know it that long away future is today.

It’s your future, now is the time to think about it.

Click the button below to reserve your time to talk about your future: