A 2020 Christmas
In years past family gatherings have been the center of Christmas, but in 2020 that changed.
For many this year, the tradition of gathering in large family groups, exchanging gifts, telling stories, and making memories will not happen.
The same is true for our Brindlee Mountain work family.
One of the highlights for us has been our annual ‘family’ Christmas party. It’s the one time of the year when all of our employees gather in one room and bring with them their families. We share stories, make memories, give gifts to children, and give thanks for the blessings of the year.
The circumstances of 2020 forced the cancelation of our Christmas party but with a little creativity, we were able to connect with each employee, delivering a few gifts to each of their homes.
2020 might have changed the look of Christmas but it could not stop it, because the spirit of Christmas is stronger.