One Year of Changes

In March of 2020, the whole world came to a stop at the force of an organism smaller than the human eye can recognize. Each day brought a changing scene of unknowns.

Little did we realize that the same minute virus could continue to wreak havoc twelve months later.

But this virus has not stopped Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus.

First, we give thanks to God for a continued, active, profitable business. That is not just a flippant statement. It is something we believe. From the inception of our company, our reliance has been on God’s direction and provision.  This novel virus is not the first obstacle we have faced, and in every circumstance, we stop and ask for God’s wisdom to navigate and give thanks for his direction. No success is taken for granted, and we realize that it is only by God’s design that we still have the opportunity to serve our customers.

Second to our amazing team, who adapted to continue to produce quality work. Once the initial shutdown was in place, the leadership team set up daily meetings with our team to communicate any changes to our routine, workspaces, or even working on our campus.  Our team of employees took everything in stride, adapting as needed to meet our customers’ needs.

We miss the times when everyone was together on our campuses. But we understand and accepted a separation for ‘such a time as this’ was necessary.

One day we may all come back, but until then, we choose to stay together, although separated to through a shared mission of being excellent at every aspect of buying, selling, and fixing used fire trucks.