Celebrating "12"
It would be hard to count the number of people who will celebrate a birthday today. However, there is one that 'counts' for us. His name is Fred. We have never met Fred. We probably will never be able to visit his home, but he 'counts,' he is important to us.
Munyaneza Fred
Rwanda Africa
Fred lives in Rwanda on the continent of Africa and today he is celebrating his 12th birthday.
How do we know Fred? Through Compassion International, whose stated mission is "to release children from poverty in Jesus' name."
Each month Brindlee makes a contribution through Compassion International to support Fred. Every child in a Compassion program is enrolled in school through a local church. In fact, all of Compassion's ministry to children happens through a local church.
"I have personally been on a Compassion sponsored trip to the Dominican Republic. I was amazed at the poverty the children lived in and equally amazed at how Compassion provided food, education and a knowledge of God that would give them a chance for a hopeful future." Michael S.
We may never be able to meet Fred and he may never be able to visit Brindlee mountain but we can know he has a hope for a future, out of poverty, because of where we work.