My Goals Are


Statistically speaking the busiest month in any gym or workout facility is January. We all knew that. But did you know, statistics also prove that February is the slowest month?  

It is easy to set a goal, but much harder to keep one and that is easily proven by gym activity.

Did you set goals this year? If so, great. If not, it is not too late.  Goals don't have to be driven by a calendar. They need to be driven by the desired outcome and the steps it takes to get there.

It is all about the process.

Would you like some one-on-one time with a coach or mentor to help you set or define your goals?

Would you like someone meet with you on a regular basis to help keep you accountable?

If you answered yes to either of these two questions we want to help. Just click the 'coach' button below, answer a few questions and then one of our on-campus coaches will reach out to you.

Remember, 'direction, not intention, determines destination.'