Screen Time Multiplies

Screen time replaces face-to-face meetings.

The line-graph showing the amount of time we are spending online has continued to rise over the past few years. And now, due to recent events, that graph is displaying a visible spike. 

Our forced separation to minimize the spread of a virus has driven us to more online interactions.  There is also a sense that mindless screen time is becoming an escape from new realities.

But, screen time does not have to be ‘mindless.’ It can be productive and encouraging. 

Make the most of off-work screen time.

Brindle Mountain offers all its employees a subscription to Right Now Media At Work. (You can subscribe using this link.)

Wait, what? You are wanting me to spend more time in front of a screen?

Not really, we just want you to know there is another option for screen time that can bring value to who you are, what you can become, and even how your kids are influenced.

A worthy library of content.


Right Now Media At Work is a video library offering content on multiple subjects. Here are a few of the categories.

Money and Finance


Leadership Development



For Your Kids

Take advantage of the offer.

Brindlee is excited that we can continue to offer Right Now Media At Work to you and your family. You can subscribe to the service here, Sign Up For Right Now Media. You can also share this link with family members.  If you have any questions about signing up, please contact Michael Smith at

Screen time does not have to drain the life out of you, it can build you up.