Monthly and Daily

It is our practice, at the end of each month, to pray for the departments who bought fire trucks from us during that month. 

Prayer is not a once a month activity but something that happens every day at 9:50 AM. All employees are invited to participate, and the majority do, bringing together different backgrounds. 

Due to the COVID-19 virus of 2020, we have made some adjustments, forgoing a large group gathering for a digital/virtual connection. But the prayer goes on.

Just as our prayer time continues, so does our prayer for the departments that bought trucks. This month, we gathered around computer and phone screens reviewing pictures of the “sold” trucks and the name of the fire departments. After the prayer time, our president wrote this: 

 That was a pretty special devotion. I love being able to think about each sale, praying for the truck and the department. And in all things giving thanks. 

 It is interesting how the Spirit moves us to pray in different ways and the things that come to mind. 

- On one of the aerials, I prayed it would not be needed for any fires.

- On one of the tanker sales, I prayed for safety as they drive it on rural roads. 

- For one of the departments, I felt led to pray against gossip in the firehouse. 

 It is just neat to pray together. 

And all during the prayer, in back of my mind, I am thinking of the one, the first firetruck, parked in my driveway in 2001 wondering if we would find a buyer. With every truck, I voice thanksgiving to the Lord that He has allowed the business to grow over the years! 

Our mission is to help fire departments serve their communities with the best fire apparatus, meeting their operational needs within their budget.

And, every day we are thankful God allows us to do this.